Other Ramblings...

Thursday, 7 February 2013

The End Of ObviouslyCompletelyNormal.

Hello all!

I had my first appointment at the Eating Disorder Clinic today.

Thus, I feel that it's time to move on from this corner of the internet - reading back over my blog, a lot of the posts are very negative, and I think that I want to continue blogging, but to be more positive in my posts and my outlook.

Therefore, I've gone over to the dark-side and started a blog on wordpress.  I hope that you'll pop over and read what I've written - you never know; you might be my first follower!

The link is here...don't forget to say hello!

Finally, thankyou to everyone who has read and commented for being so supportive - I feel that I've met people who are genuinely caring, and it's touching that someone who is on the other side of the world would be so open and honest and bother about how I'm feeling.

For that I'm truly grateful.